City of Sonora
201 NE Main
Sonora, TX 76950
(325) 387-2558
The City of Sonora is managed under the direction of Arturo Fuentes, City Manager. He oversees the hard-working employees in the administration, streets and parks, water and sewer departments and sees his job as a coordination of the needs of the community through the mandate of the of the City Council.
Mayor, Juanita Gomez and Council Members Darrell Barker, Harold Martinez, Lionel Cervantes, Jr. and Mike Sanchez work hard to oversee City business and ensure all financial decisions are within budget.
Longtime City Secretary, Belia Fay, and all the hard-working city employees remain the heart of City Hall and see that all the needs of the community are handled in a timely and efficient manner.
For more information, visit the City of Sonora website or contact your Council representative.